
Mohammad Darvish


Date and place of birth:

January 24, 1966 – Tehran


BSc in range and watershed management from Tehran University

MSc in Environment management from Tehran Azad University (Oloom Tahghighat branch)

Research studies:

Part one:

Research projects:

  • Analysis of geometrical characteristics of Gorgan Sub-watershed area
  • Management feasibility of desertification mapping method of UNEP and FAO in Iran.
  • Assessment and mapping desertification in lake Namak drainage area using FAO & UNEP method
  • Climatic characteristics analysis of Atrak, Neka, Tajan and Gorganrood sub watershed areas
  • Subsurface irrigation through permeable ceramic pipes
  • National project of declaring the desert area of Iran
  • Analysis of desertification’s signs and features
  • Desertification evaluation in Boralan area (consultant).
  • Monitoring the trend of soil saltiness and alkalinity to water level fluctuation in Noredinabad Garmsar (collaborator)
  • Analyzing the reasons for increase and intensifying flood in Iran with emphasis on vegetation
  • National project of declaring the shapes of the earth roughness finding physical chemical and mineralogical features of sandy areas.
  • Preparing a map of the land sensitivity to desertification in Sistan plain.
  • Analyzing the social and economical factors affecting desertification in Tehran province.
  • Evaluating impacts of Zarineh rood dam over Lake Urmia  basin’s ecological stability with emphasis on The agricultural sector

  Part two:

Authorship of more than 70 publications including books and articles related to the environment and desert. Such as:

  • An Interoducation to the method of Desertification assessmsnt in Iran using adopted Criteria and Indicators
  • Petroleum Mulches: A Review
  • The Role of soil and water salinization on desertification of Mond watershed
  • Analytic outlook to concepts and technical terms in domain of desert literature
  • Introduction of a method for sustainable land management based on IUCN criteria in Kusalan Rangelands of Kurdestan province
  • An Introduction to the Historical Role of Human Civilization In the Desertification Process and Formation of Desert Niche of Iran and the World.
  • Desert! A necessary fact, an accidental error.

Other positions and responsibilities:

  • Member of eco-tourism strategy committee of desert areas in Iran -national heritage and tourism Organization- (compiling the description of the services of tourism studies in desert areas)
  • Cooperating in producing environment, natural resources and desert related programs appearing in many talk show programs on both TV and the radio.
  • Desert projects strategist – 01404 prospect
  • In charge of the study and analysis group studying the features of desertification.
  • Representative of the institute of forests and pasture study in sustainable development committee “Tat study organization”

 Experience in cooperating with governmental and non-governmental companies and organizations

  • Hamoonpad Consultant Engineering CO. (morphometric study of Sirvan and Yasooj watershed 1993-1996)
  • Semnan prospectus and financial organization ( Semnan province desertification evaluation 1996)
  • Islamic Republic of Iran Army (Ground Force) (army staff head quarter landscape design in Lavizan 1996 – 1997)
  • JemehIran Consultant Engineering CO. (synthesis study of Lake Zarivar and Arjan reserve biosphere)
  • Jahaddaneshgahi of Tehran university (environment faculty) (evaluating and arbitration of Karoon dams 1,2,3,4 environmental report 2002)
  • Boomabad Consultant Engineering CO.(Evaluating the non-exchangeable natural resources from ecological point of view and controlling atmosphere gases 2003)
  • Parsakish Consultant Engineering CO. (Emam Khomaini, Shahid Rjaee and Noshahr ports’ Landscape design 2002-2003)
  • Takom Consultant Engineering CO. (Synthesis study on management of Oshtorankooh’s and Tangsayad’s reserve biosphere 2005)

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