An unforgettable lesson from Hengam’s donkies

This is a true story

Its name is Hengam .A beautiful island with exceptional coral bank that is less than 10 km long and 5 km wide and totally it has some 2,500 Iranians residents. A small land which at least lasts to200 years in the shape of island among – Blue – saphier -like waters of the Persian Gulf. However, I want to talk about the fascinating events that occurred in Hengam and impressed my sole.
Last month,I had opportunity to attend a workshop for local communities around salty and sweet lagoon and Minab to visit Hormozgan ( A province in East of Iran ). During the journey, I met a man called Hossein Aghakhani Zanjani, an environmental activist and diving expert who has tried to help the area tourism boom and keep Hengam’s natural attractions safe from tourists irresponsible harmful behavior since many years ago. Therefore he tries to plan and restore coral, clean up Hengam rescue injured animals and birds in their area besides his original business. The story that I want to tell in this article is about one of the observations and incredible experiences of Hossein Aghakhani Zanjani
The story comes back to early 2012, when Hussein was crossing a beach road called “ Ghir “ by his blue Nissan van which is- one of the few cars in the island- suddenly he faced with a donkey sitting in the middle of the road and he was blocked the way! As It turns out ,he needs to say something… after getting out of the car , he found out that donkey’s foot is sore and swollen and a piece of metal substance was inside his foot which was an opened can that apparently was thrown away by tourists .Of course Hussein tried a lot to catch the donkey but the injured donkey escaped limpingly (Note that these donkies that was used for transport purposes was abandoned without care so that they live semi-wildly).
This scene was forgotten until a few days later somebody informed Hussein that the injured donkey is in school yard. He immediately attend to the school, and as you can see in the following pictures with the help of his colleagues, they caught the donkey and put out the remaining pieces of can from his leg and they wounded his decayed leg and release him to nature.
About a month later when Hussein was working in his office… suddenly he heard some noises outside his office which belongs to the mentioned donkey and his friends! All of donkies were injured by metal pieces and had infection and pain in their legs and now they were came into the human who proved that he is a real friend and they can feel safe by him.